Thursday, December 20, 2007

heyyyyyy you

1) Writing plays never interested me, there was alot to put into them and i found them somewhat difficult..i like to not have to think alot when writing and as i write plays theirs alot of thought process to it. writing plays you have to change it around alot.

2) my life
personal experiences growing up
goals in life

3) i would tell him/her ....
to try there hardest in life
never give up
always keep going
always walk with your head up and a smile on your face
respect yourself
dont go around regreting things
live life
be a leader not a follower
only keep the ones you love close

Monday, December 10, 2007

assignment 11

Great works of literature can last a long time. Jane Austen's novels (including Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and Sense and Sensibility) are still popular almost 200 years after they were first published. Anne Bradstreet's poems have survived about 400 years. The works of Greek playwright Euripides (who wrote Medea) have survived for over 2000 years. What do you think causes great literary works to live forever? Could you ever foresee yourself writing something that lasts that long? (Write at least 75 words.) I think someone who puts alot of effort into their work where people notice it, Then people will cherish it forever. If i was to make a playwright and it became big in my time and after my time has passed i would want it to be memorable. Anyone who really honored my work would keep my work going on over the next years and generations.

Monday, December 3, 2007

assignment # 10

What is one dynamic personality (someone who is unique, special, or amazing) you have either known personally or know about? Describe the person (feel free to use a made up name if desired) and explain what makes him/her dynamic. Include any specific examples if you can.

1) I think Taylor Helgeson is the most unique person i ever met in my life. I met Taylor when i was 12 at a camp called Duncan . When i first saw taylor he was this small young boy that was your average stand up kid that love to tell jokes but no one ever seemed to give him the time of day. Taylor loved to ride on his scooter, tell jokes, rap, draw, and go fishing. When you first looked at Taylor you would think he was this deprived quiet boy that dress in dark baggy clothes. He confused me but i liked his ways with everything. He was so smart and most of all funny and i never got this vibe before i met him when i just seen him on his scooter riding around early mornings after we had breakfast.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Happiness not happyness

  • Happiness is alot about appreciating life. Someone who wants to began their day each morning when they wake up appreciates life. Happiness is not all about walking with your head held high and a smile on your face sometimes it is. Happiness comes naturally to someone.
  • everyday i have a smile on my face because im always happy. i don't regret anything in life because life is too short to regret anything. I don't go around feeling bad about every little thing that goes around because i appreciate life. dancing is something that puts happiness in my life its fun and i feel like i can express myself through dancing.
  • My family, best friends,and people with good attirudes eachday bring the most happiness in my life. i love being around funny people or people that bring positive energy around me. i love feeling comfortable and i am able to feel that around my family and bestfriends,
  • the greatest need in my life is FOOD! when i eat i always get arage of happinesss

Thursday, November 1, 2007

ASSIGNMENT 8 photo story

1) love and happiness
2) family
3) chilhood memories
4) life
6) music
7) change in life
9) accomplishments


1. What have you enjoyed writing the most in the first quarter? Be general when answering this. Have you enjoyed the poetry? Short stories? Daily prompts? Why do you think you enjoyed this kind of writing?
I always enjoy writing poems because i feel its a comfortbale way to express myself or write about my feelings. Its not everyday i have time to write poems so when i finally get the chance in my creative writing class its the best!

2. What do you think is your strongest piece of writing? You can be specific here or you can be more general and just say that "poetry" is your strong point. Explain your choice. Why is this your strongest piece or area of writing? Have you written much of it before? Do you feel you have a lot of inspiration in that area?
I would have to say my poems are my strongest pieces of writing, i don't have much experience but i always loves rambing on and on about things and i feel like i can do that in a poem. something new is always on my mind and and the best way to get it off my mind or express it is in a poem. When i write poems or read them i feel like the reader an always get a understanding or maybe relate. To me theirs never a wrong way to write a poem because the style of how its written reflects your poem

3. What have you learned about yourself as a writer in the first quarter? Are you incredibly self-driven? Do you need a lot of prodding to get going? Do you find that you need a lot of structure and direction in writing? Or do you not like the structure and direction?
Short stories are my weakest part of writing when i get assignmement to do for a short story i need a lot of direction. i never know how to start one or how to end, if i keep writing i can never stop. With poems i can just begin writing with out any structure or direction.

4. What kind of writing do you want to pursue now? Is there a genre you are really interested in exploring? Plays? Screenplays? Non-fiction? (Be specific- what kind of non-fiction? Music reviews? Memoir?)
If i HAD to pursue in one of the following i would make a book of my poems.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Fear Questions:

1. Do you like to be scared? Why or why not? In what settings are you okay with being frightened? I hate being scared, because when I’m scared I feel as if I think of the worst things possible. The only time I find myself frighten but okay with the situation is during thunderstorms the lightning doesn’t scare me it’s the big “booms” of thunder and I know its just a sound so its all okay.

2. What scares you? Are there things you fear? Are there things in our world you consider horrific? These do not have to be about ghosts or monsters. (One of Stephen King's bestselling horror novels was about a dog.) Perhaps you are afraid to ski or afraid of snakes. Maybe you hate being alone in your house at night. Maybe you are afraid of big cities. Where do your fears come from? Are you more scared by blood and guts terror or by subtle the possibility of something horrible happening? The top things that scare me would have to be spiders (any bug/insect or creature with more than 4 legs, heights, the dark, being alone <---- (sometimes) thunderstorms, old cars and vans that drive slow at night past me when I walk outside. I think I fear all these things because something bad can happen out of them. I always am cautious and blow it all over proportion, I always think of the worst. when I’m on a ride at a fair that goes up high the things that pop in my head are what if it break or what if I get stuck. When I see a spider I think it just laid babies and their going to crawl in my bed. I walk outside when its dark and see cars I fear of being kidnapped, This is were the fear comes from.

3. What, in your opinion, is a good definition for madness? What would a person have to do to be considered "mad" by you? Someone who is destructive enraged, or infuriated. You can see anger in there eyes, they look serious. They can be screaming and have a red face, yelling threats etc.

4. Poe writes about a man driven to madness. What drives people to madness today in your opinion? How does someone go from seemingly normal to insane (at least temporarily)? Gas prices, crime, war, terrorism, money. Someone who keeps something bottle up eventually has to let it out. So you don’t see anything is wrong with them but the second they let it out you think they’ve gone crazy but really their just mad.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

assignment # 5

1) "Hi there" meme said.
"ah! what the hell?" the strange girl yelled as she dropped a small pocket knife out her hand.
"sorry i didn't mean to frighten you" meme said sadly with her head down seeing blood trailing down the stream of water.
" what do you want girl"
"well i just moved here and i found this park and everytime im here no one ever comes so i seen you and thought to introduce myself" Meme explained.

2) We called her little Meme. She wasgirl of innocenc, shyness, and happiness, but had no friends.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


The short story " where are you going? where have you been" was a really good story all though some parts really confused me while reading. I think Arnold was a really sick creepy man who comes off as a rapist even though we have no idea what he did connie. This story is a story that has you questioning at the end, and sometimes that really bugs me because i want to know what happened. if Connie's feelings grew more for Arnold or was he really this sick man he came off to be. If i was Connie i would be so scared and suspicous about a man that randomly pulls up in my drive way at my home while im alone.

what makes a good short story

1) a short story really has to grab your attention right away
2) the plot has to be very interesting and keep my attention throughout the story
3) i like something i can relate to
4) all short stories to do with love, happiness, comedy, suspense, true stories are good things to write stories about
5) i think within a short story you need to make it a good length not too long but long enough to get your point across
6) personal reflect stories
7) stories you can get something out of
8) learn from
9) stories you can describe your personal views to
10) conflicts

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

assignment 3

will it ever change

I hold back a tear
and i pray in fear
to keep my love ones
year after year

the love i have makes my heart filled
but any moment someones killed

where i live is what makes me
to be able to walk down the street
i feel free

everyday you see it grow
minneapolis is my home

but home is a place
where you call safe

i lay myself down to sleep
wake at night to hear 3 gun shots
and the police

don't wear red
don't wear blue
or end up in the hospital
with a gun shot wound

i walk to the store
i go outside
always feeling a rush inside

i stop in my shoes
but what am i doing
5 mins later theres a drive by shooting

~by brianna

swinging on my swing

flinging hair round and round
higher i go above the ground
my stomach turns my stomach ties
closing my eyes against the blue sky

made with wood two white strings
nailed in my swing

kicking my legs
back and fourth
swinging on my swing
more and more

i go to sleep
and i being dreaming
as i am
swinging and swinging

being five
i had the best times
getting up at sunrise
and running outside

standing at the door
looking out to my swing
i even remember what i wore

my swing so calm
i touch the white string
with my soft palm
swinging high as the tree
just my swing and me

~by brianna

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

assignment 2

1. I remember in my 2nd grade English class once a month we would have a book choice day. every time we got to choose a new book from this big selection of all these kids book. my mom always talk to me about being a giving person so i found this book called The Giving tree Shel silerstone. After reading this book i completely fell in love with and its still prob my favorite book till this day.
2. The book means alot to me because i thing giving things up to someone is a big responsibility especially when you don't get anything out of it. that just shows how much you think of others. when i do a good deed for someone else it makes me feel good because i know i made someones day . this what exactly happened in the novel about a tree who gave every little piece of her to a boy who was her friend.
3. through out the book you continuously see the passage " and the tree was happy" thats my favorite passage because no matter what she had left if she has anything left her (apples, branches, leaves etc.) she remained happy because she knew she was doing something good for her friend the only one she had.
4. now select 1 of the 2 prompts below
1. think of a time when you made someone happy or did a good deed for someone else
2. write about a time when someone did a good deed for you

things remembered assignment 2

a specific piece of writing that really surprised me was when christina Aguilera came out with the song believe me it was a piece of her writng that really touch me. i undertand where she was coming from when she sung it, its a really beautiful song to all of your friends and family.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

About bri

Hi all you ehs students thanks for taking the time to read my blog. If you don't already know me or about me then check this out
My name is bri
i am a senior "08"
i've attended ehs since my freshman year
i work at bruegger's bagel
i love dancing
i love traveling
i love all kinds of music but mainly hip hop
i've participated in s.a.l.t since my sophmore year
and hip hop dance since my sophmore year
writing interests
i love writing journals expressing myself and my personal feelings.
I try and write poems but im not the best at them.
i enjoy reading love poems, funny poems, or poems with lots of meaning.
i read books in my spare time so im always interested in reading
different types of writing and short stories
over the next four months i want to continue my hard work in school keep up the grades and find the exact college i want to attend hopefully winona or maybe mankato..I ALSO JUST WANT TO ENJOY MY SENIOR YEAR AT EDINA!!!